Monday, March 19, 2007

SXSW '07: Epilogue

You have new Picture Mail!, originally uploaded by FT (Bob).

Well, I guess I should write some sort of SXSW '07 post script or epilogue, so here goes...

  1. Though great for spontaneity and instantaneousness, The Great Cameraphone Experiment of 2007 proved more novelty than anything else. Indie rock people dig lo-fi, but don't like lo-res. Next year, I'll bring a legitimate camera with video capabilty, and see if we can't leverage the magic of YouTube into some SXSW '08 gold.
  2. Every single person I met, whether connected with the message board I frequent or not, was very cool. I honestly didn't encounter a single jerk the entire time I was in Austin. It helped that I avoided the mirror.
  3. I'm getting too old for this!
  4. I'm getting (yeah, GETTING, right) too fat for this!
  5. I'll be back again next year.
  6. I may relinquish central point of contact duties to someone else next time.
  7. The one indelible image from last week that will remain with me the rest of the year is seeing my bud Jon (a.k.a. "shiv") laying stiff on the hardwood floor of the Phil-Colin Manor with his arms crossing his chest like he was in an open casket. He was probably a lot closer to "death" than any of us will ever know...haha.


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